Five Pitfalls to Avoid When Crafting the Study Question for a Research Manuscript


  • Crystal R. Herron, PhD, ELS Redwood Ink, LLC, San Rafael, CA



The study question is the most fundamental part of a research manuscript. This question engages readers by piquing their curiosity and guiding them into the next part of the story. Yet, many medical writers will craft a study question that fails to accomplish one or both of these tasks, which weakens the story. To craft a persuasive study question, medical writers can use a helpful formula that ensures they accomplish both tasks. This formula will also help medical writers overcome five common pitfalls that weaken the question and the research story. These pitfalls include focusing on the objectives of the study, only stating what was done in the study, reversing the order of the formula in the study question, focusing on the hypothesis of the study, and summarizing the key findings of the study.



How to Cite

Herron C. Five Pitfalls to Avoid When Crafting the Study Question for a Research Manuscript. AMWA. 2024;39(2). doi:10.55752/amwa.2024.323



Conscious Writing