2023 Jam Session for Seasoned Freelancers Plays to a Packed House


  • Brian Bass, MWC Bass Global, Inc, Fort Myers, FL




The Jam Session for Seasoned Freelancers held during the American Medical Writers Association’s (AMWA’s) 2023 Medical Writing & Communication Conference was packed with people and important discussions. Chief among those discussions was the use of artificial intelligence (AI) by freelancers and the role AI plays, does not play, should play, and should not play in medical communication.

Author Biography

Brian Bass, MWC, Bass Global, Inc, Fort Myers, FL

Brian Bass, MWC, is an award-winning freelance medical writer with more than 30 years of experience as a professional medical communicator. His experience includes writing scientific, educational, sales training, and promotional materials for healthcare professional, consumer, and business audiences in a wide range of therapeutic areas and media. He is also an avid speaker and presenter on the business of freelancing. Brian is President of Bass Global, Inc., which was founded in 1989, and co-author of The Accidental Medical Writer® series of books, resources, information, and inspiration for freelance medical writers. Brian is a Fellow and Past President of The American Medical Writers Association (AMWA), and recipient of the 2017 Harold Swanberg Distinguished Service Award for his contribution to the field of medical communications.



How to Cite

Bass B. 2023 Jam Session for Seasoned Freelancers Plays to a Packed House. AMWA. 2024;39(2). doi:10.55752/amwa.2024.334



Freelance Focus