Introducing the 2024–2025 Board of Directors


  • Shawn Watson, PharmD, PhD, BCPS 2024-2025 AMWA President



Article III of the American Medical Writer Association (AMWA)’s bylaws states that a Board of Directors (BOD) will manage and  control the affairs, property, and business of the organization. The BOD is responsible for approving the budget, the slate of nominees for elected office, and any proposed amendments to the constitution or bylaws. It also approves committees, work groups, and task forces and fulfills such other duties as are specifically mentioned in the constitution and bylaws and as required by law. Thus, the members of the BOD carry considerable responsibility.

In alignment with the AMWA bylaws, the BOD includes elected officers (President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President), an executive director, a chair of the chapter advisory council, and at least 5 appointed at-large directors. The number of members on the BOD during the governance year shall be no less than 12 and no more than 17.

I am pleased to introduce the 2024-2025 BOD. This group of professionals reflects characteristics of the member population and has volunteered their time and talent to meet, discuss, and take action on items as they pertain to the organization.



How to Cite

Watson S. Introducing the 2024–2025 Board of Directors. AMWA. 2024;39(4). doi:10.55752/amwa.2024.421

