Award Announcements
2021 President’s Award & 2021 Golden Apple Award Winner
The President's Award is given by the AMWA President to a member of AMWA who has made distinctive contributions to the association at the chapter or national level. The nominee must have been an AMWA member for 10 years and cannot have served on the Executive Committee. It is my great privilege to present this year’s President’s Award to Dikran Toroser, PhD, CMPP. Dikran will receive the award in October in conjunction with the 2021 Medical Writing & Communication Conference.
The Golden Apple Award is presented to a member of AMWA to honor consistent, outstanding workshop leadership. This year’s Golden Apple recipient is Aaron Bernstein, PhD. The Member Awards Committee was impressed with Aaron’s long-term commitment to leading workshops for AMWA and ability to keep his workshops engaging and his material timely and relevant.
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Any reproduction within two years following the date of publication requires the permission of the Editor-in-Chief of the AMWA Journal.
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